Help prioritize core features! Votes cast here will help core developers understand what features the community would find most valuable. 

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  • Please vote for no more than 10 new features.
  • You can change your vote as often as you like.
  • A list of your current votes can be found on your user profile page.

These are features that you would most like to see included in future releases of Backdrop CMS.  All the issues you see here are issues tagged with the label "type - feature request" from the Backdrop CMS core issue queue. 

# GitHub Issue title Issue # Vote for this feature # of votes
901 Consider converting the watchdog list to a view. #1302
902 Enable dropdown menu for menus in header block #5330
903 [D10] Views page displays: Provide a new option to use the admin theme #6025
904 [DX] CMI: see if we can make those "storage" numbers in .json files less cryptic. #3562
905 [A11Y] Make collapsible fieldset accessible #6408
906 Provide a "System metrics" entry in the status page, to show disk space, RAM usage, and database size #5858
907 [UX] Improve the "Required by: Field type(s) in use..." info in modules page. #850
908 [UX] Consolidate PHP-related information in the status report page, and add some basic PHP memory usage metrics #5863
909 Enabling Backdrop-only required modules (e.g., Entity Plus) during upgrade from D7 #5499
910 [UX] Consider replacing the block title type drop-down with an always required (and unique) block title field. #2483
911 [UX] CKeditor: Allow the Styles dropdown to use tag names (for easy use of the <small> tag) #2980
912 [UX] Add bulk operations (update/delete) in the URL path aliases list. #1979
913 Installer should check digital signatures when downloading a package #3714
914 Put Backdrop JS Object at the bottom of the HTML Document #1051
915 Add layouts into the search index #5128
916 Don't hard-code the line wrapping in backdrop_mail() and _backdrop_wrap_mail_line() #6237
917 [DX] Add the ability to deprecate the name (and value?) of config entries #5741
918 [WP][UX] Remove "tabs" for menu local tasks, move into contextual links (and/or admin bar) #464
919 [A11Y] tablist needs tab roles for children elements #5982
920 [UX] Admin bar: Move "Add new X" to the bottom of each fly-out menu #4586
921 Consider exposing `form_cache_expiration` and/or providing an option so that it can be cleared along with other caches. #3191
922 [D8] Introduce a new example.local.settings.php file #4173
923 [DX] Switch to a simplified array syntax for database connection information in settings.php #2231
924 [SR] Facilitate 2FA+MultiFactor compatibility (2FA/two-factor -> MFA/multi-factor) #2788
925 [UX] Allow the user to change their mind about manually entering a machine name... #1608
926 [A11Y] Convert core to use EM's for all @media and font-sizes #1775
927 Allow some markup in views descriptions. #3885
928 [UX] Reflect the status of the comment settings in the "Comment fields" and "Comment display" tabs and offer connect-the-dots links to enable them. #1274
929 Tweak Theme Overview page to group sub-themes by parent theme #5318
930 [DX] [D8] Add a `validate()` method to entity classes #6061
931 [DX][META] Introduce functions similar to views_get_views_as_options() for other things #3545
932 Create option for a cropped image style to provide consistent image size for Cards view #5593
933 VBO: option for separate button per action & option to override labels #802
934 [D10] Invoke hook after a site install is complete #5876
935 Provide an option to customize text for the "required" indicator and validation error for fields. #5507
936 Allow 'Main Page Content' block to use a specific display mode #4341
937 [UX] Layout UI: Per-block "dirty" form messages. #2430
938 Request: More style options for the table format in Views #2961
939 Add semantic markup to layouts #1970
940 [UX] Let site builders add a new image style whenever they're selecting a style to use #1438
941 Implement createAccess for File entities #5479
942 [UX] Make it easier to create layouts for paths that are already assigned to be aliases for existing content. #3703
943 [UX] Field UI - clean up the field type selection #1041
944 [UX] Automatically clear caches after manual upgrades #5101
945 [UX] Allow reusable blocks to be made non-reusable (by cloning them into a non-reusable instance) #4303
946 [UX] Include the "+ Add condition" link/button and the "Remove"/"Configure" links in the "Conditions" fieldset of the #1025
947 [D9] Allow adding descriptions to user roles (and show them in the roles listing page) #5748
948 [UX] Auto Updates for security/modules #414
949 Add context handling to Views blocks #5995
950 [UX] Image Library view: Dynamic number of items per page #4560
951 Mobile first approach theme #4131
952 Add a default 'posts' view to core #2152
953 [UX] Decrease size of help text input textareas #2747
954 Allow install profiles to be run after site creation #1591
955 Add new image style effect: mirror/flip vertically, horizontally and both. #1762
956 [UX] Add visibility conditions for menu location #3867
957 Check if paths already exist when views or layouts are being installed. #1257
958 [UX] Provide users with a visual way to understand and build content types (a.k.a.: Dream Fields in core) #5292
959 Add mini pager option to Search module #6083
960 [UX] Use "Configure" icons instead of the full word #3539
961 Create a new cropped image style specifically for cards #5607
962 Better Book navigation links #4879
963 [UX] Add charts to the dashboard #3529
964 Allow taxonomy term for layout block visibility #5612
965 [UX] Move the confirmation dialog for deletion of nodes to a modal. #769
966 [UX] When a new content type is created, automatically assign permissions to the "Editor" role #5885
967 Consolidate maintenance-related settings either in $state or $config #4723
968 [D8] Form API: Introduce proper #types for 'option' and 'optgroup', and make #options consistent. #4312
969 Implement <time> tag for time stamps in core, e.g. date posted, comment date #2416
970 [DX] Layout Contexts not being passed to block in hook_block_view(). #2953
971 Run tests for releases after project published ZIP file #1964
972 [UX] Offer option to replace the help text with a help icon that toggles its visibility (on by default on mobile). #1414
973 Provide way for `entity_access()` to check for operations view, update and delete if no entity is provided #5474
974 Add an upgrade path for CKEditor module #3684
975 [WP] Allow (optionally?) a limited set of HTML markup in node titles. #5081
976 More useful tags for views #6268
977 [D8][DX] Add Modernizr to core. #1009
978 [DX] Disabling a field should not update the weights of all fields #5755
979 [UX] Better Menu permissions #384
980 Add a wrapper to make tables "responsive" #6008
981 [UX] Change layout 'Visibility conditions' links to a drop button #4529
982 Create Wordpress install profile #3127
983 [DX] Save Dev time, make a console notice for Backdrop.behaviours #4116
984 [UX] When error messages are set to "None", show number of php critical errors in the admin bar badge. #2138
985 Create new form that wraps the "file/add" and "Media Library Selector" forms for re-use #2720
986 [UX] Detect whether mod_rewrite is enabled (in Apache installs) and throw a warning in the clean URLs page. #1573
987 [UX] Add # anchors to blocks in the Layout UI. #1724
988 Dashboard block: Translations #3852
989 Feature/Package Module Proposal #1238
990 [A11Y] Change color of the Views hidden fields for the Seven theme #5261
991 [UX][D8] Make position of #description (help text) configurable #1403


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