If the CSS for the admin theme is built well this will be really easy to implement. Since that's a goal I have anyway, this is a gimme.
This will be great for those of us that want to have smaller UI as well as a great feature for accessibility. Low vision people's gotsta edit websites too!
... mayhaps a high contrast setting too...
Just had a full day training on accessbility and that and this issue cemented my belief that we should (almost) never use PX in CSS for better flexibility and accessibility.
For a user that increases the default font-size: - If we use PX for our fonts, our text size will be uneffected. - If we use REM/EM for our fonts, but PX for our breakpoints we could be giving the user a broken experience, for example 3-word line lengths in a sidebar that would go away if the site was at a smaller breakpoint. - Using REM/EM for your font-sizes and breakpoints will give users that increase font size 125% an (almost) identical experience as a user that zoomed into the page 125%. (The EMs still have it.)
The issue that could come up unintended EM inheritance, but I think I have a strategy to prevent that from being a problem. Just need to iron some things out.
PR by @wesruv:
Recent comments
PHP Openssl is missing perhaps? I know you've stated that it's there, but if it's having issues loading for any reason, it will fail with updates. Try doing a phpinfo(); call to check...
Failed to get available update data
I sent you a note on your website Thanks
Packaged Install to replace Facebook Group
Thank you for your comments and I will analyze which is the best option.
Change the url of views in user menu tabs user/%/