Description of the need

When setting the upload directory for the CKEditor upload field, I would love to have a way to set it to create subdirectories using the current year and month (for example). This would keep the single images directory from getting overfull and make it much easier to locate images when doing site development.

Proposed solution

Add a way to use tokens when specifying the directory where inline files/images (i.e. those uploaded through CKE in a textarea field) are stored.

@argiepiano noted that "It probably would not be hard to enable global and site tokens in the "Upload directory" configuration field for the text editor."

That's all I'm asking for. Thank you. :)

Alternatives that have been considered

I have been able to do this in another of my site that runs on Drupal 10.

I haven't been able to find any modules that do this for Backdrop. Drupal doesn't need one apparently. :)

Additional information

Nothing I can think of.

Draft of feature description for Press Release (1 paragraph at most)

Backdrop now includes the ability to configure the image upload path for "inline" images uploaded with CKEditor 5.

GitHub Issue #: