Description of the need
I have many pages of instruction manuals for x-ray diffraction facilities that will incorporate anchors (from menus).
Proposed solution
Add CKEditor Anchor button to toolbar selection.
Alternatives that have been considered
Manual input in source
Additional information
1231 is complete, but it addressed removing the Anchor button that did not work. I do not see it in the "to do" list.
Draft of feature description for Press Release (1 paragraph at most)
Backdrop now includes the CKEditor Anchor button.
GitHub Issue #:
Recent comments
Uh oh :) You may want to report the exact errors in the queue. Who knows, maybe the maintainer will pick it up.
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I tried it on a test installation and it killed the site :) .... Thanks for replying...
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I wouldn't bet it's fully functional. There are a few issues in the queue, and B-org reports only 1 active install. Who knows, just give it a try. The maintainer is still active in the community...
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