See: #4600 for context
Long story short, it would be a good idea to extend the admin label and description to be consistent across all of backdrop.
There should be a standard API to the way it works on BD and it should be available to contribs if they want to use it, but not a requirement.
I also feel like we need to figure out how the wording will work for "most" use-cases throughout backdrop, then it can be addressed on how each specific area needs to have wording tokenized for it's respective use.
(loose) Examples: Blocks Add a label or description to better identify this [block] on admin pages.
Fields Add a label or description to better identify this [field] on admin pages.
Views Add a label or description to better identify this [view] on admin pages.
Add a label or description to better identify this [view_relationship] on the view admin page. Taxonomy Add a label or description to better identify this [taxonomy] on admin pages.
Make the wording congruent, such that any time someone runs across it, they understand its purpose. Otherwise, if each respective task has it's own vocabulary, it can become confusing as-to what the goal is. "I think this is where I set my own name for easy identification? But... I'm not really sure because it says something different??"
Another thought: How can the wording be conveyed so that non-programmers can easily understand it? I am all-to-guilty of bringing out my analytical side when I talk, but I think sometimes we get carried away with certain lingo that 35% of the userbase has a hard time understanding. Something to think about.
Recent comments
PHP Openssl is missing perhaps? I know you've stated that it's there, but if it's having issues loading for any reason, it will fail with updates. Try doing a phpinfo(); call to check...
Failed to get available update data
I sent you a note on your website Thanks
Packaged Install to replace Facebook Group
Thank you for your comments and I will analyze which is the best option.
Change the url of views in user menu tabs user/%/