Description of the need
All other pagers on my site (mostly generated using Views) have the "mini" pager. It's frustrating to have this one page use only the "full" style pager, and it generates a LOT of buttons which looks pretty silly.
Proposed solution
Ideally, the search module config would have an option to do a "mini" pager like Views module does.
Alternatives that have been considered
I have used Views with exposed filters for search in the past (like many years ago before Drupal's search was polished) but I would prefer to use the search module because it works a lot faster.
Additional information
Desired look:
Current look:
Draft of feature description for Press Release (1 paragraph at most)
Backdrop now includes the option to use mini pagers on search results pages for a sleek appearance.
Recent comments
Webform - can they be saved?
Under Form Settings > Advanced settings Yes, for Authenticated users only. Though I wonder (I haven't had need so haven't tested) if the other option to automatically save as draft...
Webform - can they be saved?
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