Description of the need
Add more properties to the .info file to make it easier, in the long run, to find modules and themes and when a module or theme was last updated.
For example: -
- Date of the first release
- Date of this release
- The D7 module or theme name this module is based on if applicable.
- Category could be the same or similar to the Drupal Module categories
- Accessibility
- Administration
- Commerce/Advertising
- Community
- Content
- Content Access Control
- Content Display
- Database Drivers
- Decoupled
- Developer
- Drush
- E-commerce
- Education
- Evaluation/Rating
- Event
- Examples
- Features Package
- Fields
- File Management
- Filters/Editors
- Games and Amusements
- Import/Export
- JavaScript Utilities
- Location
- Media
- Mobile
- Multilingual
- Multisite
- Novelty
- Organic Groups (OG)
- Other
- Paging
- Path Management
- Performance and Scalability
- Project management
- Rules
- Search
- Security
- Site Navigation
- Spam Prevention
- Statistics
- Syndication
- Taxonomy
- Theme Enhancements
- Third-party Integration
- User Access & Authentication
- User Management
- Utility
- Views
Proposed solution
Add a recommended section to the .info file.
Alternatives that have been considered
Pulling the information directly from GitHub
Is there a Drupal or Backdrop contributed module that accomplishes this? Nope
Additional information
With more and more modules being converted and new modules being released it will become harder and harder for people to find the right modules, so I think implementing some solution is better than no solution, even if it's optional. I would have thought that module and theme developers would want to make their creations more findable.
Draft of feature description for Press Release (1 paragraph at most)
Backdrop now includes a new module and theme category to make finding the right module easy!
Recent comments
In page.tpl.php you can get the current path and add it to the class array $classes[] = 'path-' . str_replace('/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); You will get an original class for each page....
Insert custom class into body tag shows that this is an architectural issue, and requires another 2 hooks being adjusted. It would be really nice to add comments/notes to...
node access
Hmmm, from D7 ancient tomes: from yet
node access