Description of the need

Currently on the user permissions settings (admin/config/people/permissions) the admin bar module uses a popup when the Access administration bar setting is clicked for any role. The popup provides an alert that enabling the Access administration bar setting also requires the system module Use the administration pages to be enabled.

The popup offers two options: OK and Cancel. If OK is clicked, both settings are enabled. If Cancel is clicked only the Access administration bar setting is enabled, rather than neither. This is odd behaviour and while it can be saved and viewed in the future it will not work to allow the role access to the administration bar. Some may consider this to be a bug, thus not a feature request.

Furthermore, it is common practice for many people to not allow popups on their browsers, for security and other reasons, so they will never see the alert anyway and saving with only the admin bar permission enabled is permitted without any warnings with the resulting effect that things may not behave as people expect.

In addition, it may be important for Backdrop core and contrib modules to avoid any use of popups.

Proposed solution

A better solution is to improve the description for the Access administration bar setting, adding that it requires the System module Use administration pages setting for the role to be enabled.

This would eliminate the need for the popup while providing the information needed by people when using the admin bar settings.

Additional information

Add any other information or screenshots that would help. Current behaviour with popup:


Draft of feature description for Press Release (1 paragraph at most)

This change will not require a feature description.

GitHub Issue #: