In #2324 we have been trying to address the problem where the search in the "Add block" dialog would not include all menus when a use types menu
The search in that block checks both the block title and the block description; so the obvious solution for menus that do not include the word "menu" in their titles, was to add this word to the menu description. We initially went with A list of links for the %menu_name% menu
, but if %menu_name%
already included the word "menu" in it, you'd end up with duplication of the word "menu" for those blocks (for example "A list of links for the Administration menu menu").
After a few back and forths, we settled with A list of links for the menu: %menu_name%
, which works better (although you may still end up with duplication of the word "menu").
This seems to be a generic issues where you could end up with descriptions like "A custom block block" or "My view view" etc., so I would like to explore the idea of adding tags to blocks. These tags would be taken into account when searching in the "Add block" dialog, but do not need to be part of the block description.
Recent comments
PHP Openssl is missing perhaps? I know you've stated that it's there, but if it's having issues loading for any reason, it will fail with updates. Try doing a phpinfo(); call to check...
Failed to get available update data
I sent you a note on your website Thanks
Packaged Install to replace Facebook Group
Thank you for your comments and I will analyze which is the best option.
Change the url of views in user menu tabs user/%/