Description of the need
Currently CMI does not scan themes for a config folder. Not sure if there is any major disadvantage to doing so, but it may be helpful in solving Use config for color module palettes
Themes do save data in config, but only by syncing from the info file during enabling, and/or saving the settings form.
This may also allow deprecating info
file settings such as settings[]=xxx
Proposed solution
Allow themes to have config
GitHub Issue #:
Recent comments
What about Ubercart, Rules and Membership Entity? (theoretically, haven't tried it myself)
Suggest for - Backdrop Commerce
Just edit .htaccess in /files folder remove "-ExecCGI -Includes" in string "Options -Indexes -ExecCGI -Includes"
CSS and JS aggregation not working
This comment has been removed by myself.
Suggest for - Backdrop Commerce