This plugin provides contextual completion feature for custom text matches based on user input. Every time the user types a pre-configured matching character, such as "@" or "#", they get information about available autocomplete options. It includes the following features:
- Customization of the text matching function.
- Asynchronous data feed.
- Templating system for both the dropdown options and accepted output.
- Throttling to reduce text check frequency.
This feature is a base for implementing specialized autocomplete features, such as mentions, emoji or custom implementations.
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Thank you, olafski I had already done that, but switching languages wasn't tied to whatever layouts were needed. I'll work with the other reply, see if I can replicate the...
How to translate my site content
Both issues solved! Thank you.
View/Edit tabs missing
Hello, Backdrop CMS has options for multilingual sites, but they are limited and do not cover all needs. A complete solution for a multilingual site requires the installation of i18. I...
How to translate my site content