node/add has traditionally been owned by the node module, but nodes are not the only kind of content on a Drupal site. Let's change this and provide a content/add page that belongs to system module, instead.
Node module should provide a list of types of content that can be added to appear on this page, along with blocks, layouts, categories (formerly known as taxonomy) and others.
GitHub Issue #:
Recent comments
I think I found the solution: file_get_contents() will allow you to 'download' a file from a URL. Passing the return value of this to file_save_data() will allow you to then save the file...
How to add an image to a node programatically?
I just saw this post on LinkedIn:
Initiative Proposal: Drupal 7 MIRROR
OK i will try with a fresh install of Drupal up-gradation to Backdrop without any contributed module. Thanks for responding!
User login (second time) issue after upgrading from Drupal7 to Backdrop