Description of the need

In we are looking into providing a list of enabled modules. This however was in response to a perceived need for site information for debugging.

As in Q: "My site is producing fatal errors" A: "What modules you have installed?"

But I find that frequently other questions accompany, like "What Backdrop/PHP/MySQL version, which theme are you using, is Javascript aggregated, etc etc"

Noting that the Status Report page provides a lot of that info already, but is not printable, and may be too much info in some situations

Proposed solution

A link/button on the status Report page to print a report. I propose a radio with two options: "full", and "Basic" (or maybe "Safe"). When you click the button you get the Status report info in printable format, with added stuff like enabled/disabled modules, themes, layout, etc etc. "Full" prints everything on the Status Report page, "Basic/Safe" would be default, and print only stuff that shouldn't put your site at risk if you post it in the Forums.

An example of a similar effort for WP is this plugin:

Alternatives that have been considered

A View of enabled modules alone is being considered for core in

GitHub Issue #: