Description of the need
Odds are that some day someone will mess with active config directory by either improperly editing files or getting them deleted. And it won't be a trivial task to bring such a broken website back to functional state in case if no backups were taken to restore from.
Proposed solution
What if Backdrop could take a snapshot of the configuration directory on each cron and keep it updated and saved in the database, and use it to re-create configuration directory content in case if it is missing or broken?
Real-life case
Some relevant quotes from real-life case on Gitter of November 17, 2019 4:28 PM:
@alanmels: @serundeputy, this made me think: why don't we keep a snapshot of config files in DB just in case if the directory or some config files get deleted?
@serundeputy: maybe not a bad idea; prolly experiment w/ a contrib module and if it is working well and proven we could make a case for core i think there may be a core issue already about autobackups already; so we should read what is in there too
The closest one I could find in core issues is probably, but its subject is different. So I've decided to create a new feature request just in case if it's worth considering and implementing.
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@GOA_TrishaLynn - Thanks for your comments. Are you having any trouble finding the documentation you are looking for?
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