Description of the need

Use case: do not allow birth/death date fields to have dates from the future.

Proposed solution

This is the respective issue for D9 in

Make the date field show in the Frontend:

  1. Only dates from the past (eg: 2000 - Present)
  2. Only dates from the future. (eg: Present - 2020)
  3. Ranges from a past date to a future date (eg: 2000 - 2020)

For 1 and 2, there needs to be an option to INCLUDE or EXCLUDE (the Present +/- an ADMIN specified number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)

This will allow custom date intervals like the ones below:

Eg: Show only the dates between last month (Present minus 1 month) and 1 week from now (Present plus 7 days). Eg: If we wanted to show a date range from 2000 until yesterday we could do that by excluding the current day (Present) because the date for "yesterday" changes everyday.

GitHub Issue #: