Description of the need
When a user changes their email address, Backdrop should send an email with a unique link to the user with the new email address so that the user is required to confirm the change.
Inspired by
This is the patch that would be the closest to what will work here:
In reading the comments, this change should not allow someone to change both the password and the email address at the same time. And there should ideally be a way to keep sending notifications to the original email address until the change is confirmed.
Recent comments
Thanks! The site was on PHP 7.0. With assistance from my hosting provider, I updated to PHP 7.4 and now I have access to the site again. No database re-import required.
Locked out of site after updating modules
Thank you very much. I will follow your advice.
Locked out of site after updating modules
The best you can do is test and report. If you find a contrib that doesn't work in php 8.3, create an issue in its queue so it gets fixed. In my experience, I've found that 7.4 is safest...
Locked out of site after updating modules