I find myself having to look up the string The configuration options have been saved.
quite often. Can we add a helper function that does a backdrop_set_message
with this string for us?
function backdrop_add_config_saved_message() {
backdrop_set_message(t('The configuration options have been saved.));
We could update core to use this function wherever we currently hard-code the string
GitHub Issue #:
Recent comments
Try adding to your Views page /hirek Contextual filter "Global: Null". And use a Canonical URL for all pages, which will help eliminate duplicate content for search engines.
Double Triple Category Name
thanks for the advice, I rewrote it, but I can still enter the news category in the search engine 3x 4x news/news/news/ I type as many times as I want
Double Triple Category Name
It turned out that this is not a “term”, but a “page”. Ok. If this is a content type like “News”, it is logical to use the pattern "news/[node:title]" where "news" is a list of all...
Double Triple Category Name