This is a new feature that has been added to Drupal 8.6.x: - Issue: - Change record: - Documentation:
It seems to rely on SQLite though, which we have dropped support for
Description: A new command to install and run Drupal was added.
php core/scripts/drupal quick-start demo_umami 18/18 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] Congratulations, you installed Drupal! Username: admin Password: PM_kRw1i1xtPGeoT Drupal development server started: <> This server is not meant for production use. One time login url: <> Press Ctrl-C to quit the Drupal development server.
Optional: Run the following command for a list of available options that you may need to configure quick-start:
$ php core/scripts/drupal quick-start --help
This is really neat! Perhaps we can do something similar for Backdrop?
Recent comments
Tried and successfully applied DrAlbany's method with the form hook. I also encountered the same situation. Thanks DrAlbany
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