Description of the need
Entity Reference was added to Backdrop with version 1.23, but it's not enabled by default. It should be easier to find and use this module.
Proposed solution
Like all other field modules of Backdrop core, Entity Reference should be enabled in new installations.
Draft of feature description for Press Release (1 paragraph at most)
Backdrop now not only includes Entity Reference but enables it out of the box ;-)
GitHub Issue #:
Recent comments
Why not insert the script using a custom block at the very top of the page, <header>? Who said that it won't work correctly if you don't place it in the <head>? Especially...
Google tag and event snippet on the conversion page
You can use for hassle free static experience.
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that was the first thing i tried, but thanks. i cannot see css file changes without clearing the css/js cache. for that reason i have been adding css snippets (<style> tags) into my...
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