I am importing a D7 site into Backdrop. The existing blog posts are aliased as node/ and not blog/ and I want to be able to reference them in a visibility condition in my layout, but there doesn't seem to be an option to do that.
So, I guess I will have to bulk delete the existing aliases and regenerate using the new pattern. But then, I think, I will lose the existing links known to search engines, won't I?
GitHub Issue #:
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The problem is definitely not in the module. I use XML-sitemap (https://backdropcms.org/project/xmlsitemap) on several sites, without problems. Now I checked on the new site, everything Ok...
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Thanks, that's very helpful. I installed 'Webform Rules' but adding a further condition as per the guide from the wayback link didn't work I've raised an issue with this module.
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changed permissions but doesnt seem to work, do you know iif anyone has able to get this module to work. the reason I am asking I have a live drupal 7 webiste with no issues, thank you for the...
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