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When I upgraded a site from Drupal 6 to Backdrop CMS, I noticed front-end pages getting sluggish, while the back end stayed quick and snappy. When removing the menu block, the front-end of my site was also quick and snappy.
After much further digging (thanks the devel query log!) I have tracked the problem down to the function menu_tree_check_access()
which adds an additional 1141 database queries to my page.
It's true - my menu tree is quite large. I still think there's something we could do to speed this up. I don't see why these queries need to be run uniquely for every visitor on every page of my site - when the links are the same on every page.
Recent comments
Hello @NumerousHats, I agree with your assessment. I am looking into this situation right now. The root of this problem is that Backdrop CMS is implemented on top of a "stack" of...
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