Description of the need

The Available updates report at admin/reports/updates is not as complete as the Drupal 7 Available updates report.

Proposed solution

Ideally, the report should list all modules, themes, and layouts that have been enabled. Currently it does not. If a module is manually installed it does not appear on the Available updates report.

Also if in settings the checkbox "Also check for updates of disabled ..." is enabled, all of these should be shown and ideally below those that are enabled as Drupal 7 does.

I have browsed through the issues and there are several existing issues relating to this report so I will list them here, although some may now be outdated: #6207, #4515, #4575, #4642, #3303, #5176.

It's a little difficult to know where to begin. I think the priorities are:

  1. Show all enabled modules, themes and layouts on report regardless of how they are installed.
  2. When settings to show disabled is checked, show disabled modules, themes, and layouts at the bottom after the sections of those enabled.
  3. For each item show the current release and if there is a newer dev commit show that with dates for each. (Drupal 7 only shows this if a dev release is enabled).
GitHub Issue #: