Description of the need
As says Drupal has deprecated the Color module in 9.4.0 and will remove it from the core in 10.0.0. Has Backdrop community considered to do the same, because some of the arguments described on feels true for also Backdrop:
We should move Color module to a contributed project since as it stands, it doesn't provide enough flexibility to be useful for the majority of sites. To be able to create website matching to corporate identity, you would probably want to change at least background images and font families as well.
We never use the Color module on any Backdrop projects as well as number of other modules in core, but I guess it would be too radical to request to move them too from core. But just in case if this resonates to someone else in the community I wonder how many of Backdrop developers really use the following modules? Should they be in core or could be better off as contributed modules?
See the whole list of core modules on
book - nice module, but rarely used. is core right place for it? ckeditor - too heavy, too slow, an overkill for some of the simple websites.
Recent comments
It looks like the minify module is not properly processing your JS and HTML files. Have you checked the file paths and permissions to ensure they are accessible? I remember, that once I faced...
This looks like a great initiative. Keep rocking mate!
New website:
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