Description of the need On Linux, when you remove a package that has dependencies (which aren't used by any other installed package), you'll be told that those dependencies are no longer needed and can be safely removed. It'd be cool to have something similar in Backdrop. This would help to reduce situations where a site has modules installed that it doesn't need because the module(s) that depended on them was uninstalled (e.g. Libraries, Field Formatter Settings, etc.).
Proposed solution No idea, just putting the thought out there :smiley:
Recent comments shows that this is an architectural issue, and requires another 2 hooks being adjusted. It would be really nice to add comments/notes to...
node access
Hmmm, from D7 ancient tomes: from yet
node access
I also note on this screen: "Furthermore note that content which is not published is treated in a different way by Backdrop: it can be viewed only by its author or users with the...
node access