The Entity Token submodule for Drupal 7 provides support for chained tokens, so they can be used with entities referenced by fields. However, Backdrop's implementation of entity_token is very simple and doesn't include that, only chained url
and original
tokens are included.
This whole feature has been already requested in However, that doesn't seem a straight-foward implementation. It's relying a lot on Drupal 7 Entity functions, such as entity wrappers and other utilities Backdrop doesn't have, or use the same way.
My approach here would be to start providing something simpler and more widely used, a taxonomy term reference field chained token.
For example, we can use the parents path in an alias pattern [node:_field_taxonomy_term_:parents:join-path]
. We can provide this from the Field module.
Recent comments
Thanks for the suggestions ! site/admin/reports/status/php reports that the OpenSSL module is present : PHP Version 8.3.17 ... OpenSSL support enabled OpenSSL Library Version OpenSSL 3.0....
Failed to get available update data
Maybe use 01, 02, 03...
Book child page ordering by nodeid
You can easily check phpinfo() by going to the Status Report (admin/reports/status) and clicking the link against the PHP item:
Failed to get available update data