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I would like to see more style options for the table format in Views where I can easily add some css classes and wrapper to the table without overriding the theme or writing the code. Below are three style options would be great to have. The first two are similar to the "HTML list" format in Views.
- Wrapper class
- Table class
- Additional classes for the odd/even row if "Add stripping (odd/even), first/last row classes" is checked.
Here the samples how it may look like:
Let say if I have the following classes added to the style options:
- Wrapper class: "table-responsive"
- Table class: "table table-bordered table-hover"
- Additional classes:
- Odd row: "table-primary" - Even row: "table-success"
Output in HTML will be, e.g.:
<div class="view-content">
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-bordered table-hover">
<thead>... </thead>
<tr class="odd table-primary first">...</tr>
<tr class="even table-success">...</tr>
<tr class="odd table-primary">...</tr>
<tr class="even table-success last">... </tr>
I think this is particularly useful when come to styling the table using a responsive framework like Bootstrap, foundation and etc. It gives a lot more control and flexibility to the site builder and themer to style the table without overriding the theme or to code. However, there's no urgent need for this features personally, but I think it's good to add this in the future if not now. I'm sorry that I don't have coding skill, so help needed. Anyway, do consider for future enhancement. I have to write it down before I forget. Thank you!
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