Description of the need When you have content that is quite important to keep track of changes to, you can enable revisions and turn them on by default for the content type. But there doesn't seem to be a way to 'force' editors to enter a revision message when updating content...
Proposed solution I'd like to see: - The ability to make the revision message a required field on nodes - The ability to disable/hide the 'Create new revision' checkbox (so you can't disable it)
Alternatives that have been considered Drupal has an Enforce revision log message module that sounds like what I'm envisioning. Perhaps that can be ported an merged into core...?
Recent comments
There is a dead link at the bottom of that issue to a step by step guide using Rules but here is the page from the Wayback Machine:
How to attach a file to a Webform confirmation email
This Drupal 7 issue suggests that using Rules would be the way to go, or to create a custom module.
How to attach a file to a Webform confirmation email
Are you using Windows? It would be worth looking at though you may need to modify the instructions if you are...
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