Description of the need
Here is the quote from the tweet of the @FedorovMykhailo, a Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of Digital Transformation,
Call to action to Ukrainian and world IT-community: support a flashmob #RussiaIsATerroristState. Goal — to change “Russia” for “Russia is a terrorist state” in all possible web portal & online services, where you need to choose language, delivery etc. The first results below.
Proposed solution
Most of us in the West live our daily lives in peace and prosperity and even-though might have a huge sympathy and empathy towards ordinary Ukrainians going through horrible war instigated by a terrorist mafia state of Russia, do not know how to help, do not see what we as a Backdrop community could do to help Ukraine. Well, here is our chance - we could change all occurrences of Russia
in the core to Russia is a terrorist state
and believe me that would be huge moral support to Ukraine.
And if it's picked up by news outlets, then it could even turn into something that would make Backdrop even popular. At least, I personally would use all my connections in Ukraine (and I do have them, I traveled through the country, have lot's of friends, in fact one of former AltaGrade member is fighting the war to protect his country) to start using Backdrop in Ukraine more actively.
I understand that if the request comes as too radical and won't be accepted, but I thought that it's still worth a try.
Recent comments
You can easily check phpinfo() by going to the Status Report (admin/reports/status) and clicking the link against the PHP item:
Failed to get available update data
PHP Openssl is missing perhaps? I know you've stated that it's there, but if it's having issues loading for any reason, it will fail with updates. Try doing a phpinfo(); call to check...
Failed to get available update data
I sent you a note on your website Thanks
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