Current workflow: 1. Go to the layout edit page. 2. Click the "Add block" action of any region. 3. Select any block type. 4. Change your mind about the selected block type. 5. Close the "Add block" dialog (using the x button at the top right corner) 6. Click the "Add block" action of the region. 7. Make sure you select the correct block type this time because you'll have to go through this over again and it's tedious.
How it should work: 1. Go to the layout edit page. 2. Click the "Add block" action of any region. 3. Select any block type. 4. Change your mind about the selected block type. 5. Click the "Back" button (the one we'll add in this issue - for now just imagine it's there ) 6. Select correct block type this time. Don't worry if you get it wrong again - you can always hit the imaginary "Back" button :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
1 step less = better UX :wink: :wine_glass:
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Hello FTW, Did you ever resolve this challenge?
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