This one is exactly the same request as
Having an indicator on the modules list page would remove a duplicate interface that lists all modules, and be a more intuitive place for site builders to find available update information. Additionally, having the indicator in a place site builders visit all the time might also encourage updating more often, creating more secure sites for all.
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Hi. So, the update for content_access is not running. Otherwise you wouldn't have schema version 7103, and you would have that missing table. One aspect of the latest version of the...
content_access_node_access_rebuild doesn't exist
For those perhaps like me, not all that familiar with Backdrop, I'll post my progress here, with my understanding of what works. I set up a local site, with two languages English...
How to translate my site content
After running Update again, I get: content_access_node_access_rebuild still does not exist. schema version for that row is 7103. Yes, the version is 1.x-1.3.1. So with...
content_access_node_access_rebuild doesn't exist