Follow-up for #525
As mentioned in that issue:
...even if we implemented the above, we'd be 90% there. You see there would be these menu items:
-> Taxonomy
-> Tags
-> List terms
-> Taxonomy
-> Categories
-> List terms
-> Taxonomy
-> Another vocabulary
-> List terms well as these ones:
-> Menus
-> Account menu
-> List links
-> Menus
-> Administration menu
-> List links
-> Menus
-> Primary navigation
-> List links
-> Menus
-> Another menu
-> List links
So if one was to enter the search term "list" in the admin bar search field, they'd get this (@TODO: add screenshot):
... Structure: List terms Structure: List terms Structure: List terms ... Structure: List links Structure: List links Structure: List links Structure: List links ...
This is way better than plain plain "Structure: List" for all these results, but still... can we (I don't know if this is possible) have it so that the search results (just the search results - not the menu items themselves) are like so instead:
... Structure: List Tags terms Structure: List Categories terms Structure: List Another vocabulary terms ... Structure: List Account menu links Structure: List Administration menu links Structure: List Primary navigation links Structure: List Another menu links ...
...or like so perhaps (prefix the "immediate" parent menu item along with the top-most parent item):
... Structure: Tags: List terms Structure: Categories: List terms Structure: Another vocabulary: List terms ... Structure: Account menu: List links Structure: Administration menu: List links Structure: Primary navigation: List links Structure: Another menu: List links ...
Recent comments
Both issues solved! Thank you.
View/Edit tabs missing
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