Description of the bug
Can we please consider appending the This role receives all new permissions by default. text to the description of whichever role has been selected to be the admin role? (according to the user_admin_role setting in system.core.json) ...I feel that that would still provide value, and it won't be a lie if that's what has been configured on the site.
This is a follow-up to
Recent comments
After running Update again, I get: content_access_node_access_rebuild still does not exist. schema version for that row is 7103. Yes, the version is 1.x-1.3.1. So with...
content_access_node_access_rebuild doesn't exist
Hi patch-works. Thanks for posting the images. I've tried recreating the scenario, and have not encountered any issues when creating a new user account. I'm confused about one point...
Issue - Cannot create new user - "You cannot enter a title without a link url."
Hello Argiepiano, Thank you for looking into this. There are 3 links fields, this one is the most recent, here are the screenshots:
Issue - Cannot create new user - "You cannot enter a title without a link url."