This was something that was requested in
With this plugin, CKEditor will automatically expand and shrink vertically depending on the amount and size of content entered in its editing area.
The following configuration options are available:
- maximum and minimum editor height after adjustment to content,
- extra space to be added between content and editor bottom bar,
- having auto grow happen on editor startup
GitHub Issue #:
Recent comments
Update. Sorry for the late update, got side-tracked on another project. Decided to do my site updates today and downloaded the 1.30.0 version. I had NO issues (i.e. virus warnings) with the...
Virus warning on 1.29.3 download
Alejandro - Thanks for the additional information. Backdrop is very smart, but I'm not!
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@yorkshirepudding Thanks for the explanation - my code writing skills are so poor I could not see anything in the code that pointed me to that answer.
Image Library - way to change file name?