This has actually been on my mind since the introduction of the flexible layout templates, but never gotten to file an issue for it till now.
Currently, one has to click the "Configure row" button, then click the "Change region widths" link, and then select from the available combinations from the dialog:
How about something like this instead?:
The handle would not increment by steps of 1% or anything like that, rather than "snap in place" while being dragged, allowing the user to select between the same predefined widths as before ...just in a way that is more direct/visual, and where the user can quickly configure region widths without having to open/close dialogs, and click though multiple links/buttons to achieve the same result.
Recent comments
On D7 project we are using openid_connect. We need to have similar functionality for Backdrop CMS, sooner rather than later.
Why not insert the script using a custom block at the very top of the page? Who said that it won't work correctly if you don't place it in the <head>? Especially when the question...
Google tag and event snippet on the conversion page
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