This is related to #1040.

I'm wondering if the UX would be better if instead of this:

  1. fill form in a rush, but fail to notice the tiny red asterisks in some fields
  2. click "save"
  3. page reloads
  4. see validation errors
  5. fix errors
  6. click save again

...we provided a better UI that guided people to this: 1. fill form in a rush, but still fill in required fields because "required" indicators are bigger and made more prominent -> get a "live" feedback/indication that you've done the right thing 2. save -> win! (at least less chances that you've done something "wrong")

Something like this: 5f71c05d98d4c76d42d94e35_Mar-23-2020-17-06-02

Here's another set of screenshots to demonstrate do's and don't's with regards to accessibility: image image

GitHub Issue #: