In #803 we've added information to explain why some modules cannot be disabled when fields provided by these modules are in use in certain content types. This is a big UX+, but...
The "Required by: Field type(s) in use..." seems a bit "cryptic" to me and the "...see Field list" link that follows leads to a list of all fields instead of a filtered list of only the fields provided by the specific module. This feature can be further improved in various ways:
1. Instead of the generic "Required by: Field type(s) in use...", we could be more specific and have it for example like so: "Required by the Tags field used in the Article content type".
2. The part of this text that is the actual name(s) of the content type(s) would be links to the respective content type field edit page. Same as the links in the "Used in" column at the "Field list" page (/admin/reports/fields
This way, an admin seeking to disable certain modules will not have to continuously hop from the modules list to the fields list and finally to the specific content types that hold the fields in question and then back to the modules list.
Related: #849
Recent comments
Tried and successfully applied DrAlbany's method with the form hook. I also encountered the same situation. Thanks DrAlbany
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