When I'm creating a path alias for a content type, I often get tripped up by the really long list of field tokens. If the list were only to contain the field tokens that would actually work for this content type, the experience of using the token browser would increase.
Additionally, we'd avoid the confusing thing that happens when you select a token that does not work for that content type, and then wonder why the pattern isn't working properly.
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Thank you, olafski I had already done that, but switching languages wasn't tied to whatever layouts were needed. I'll work with the other reply, see if I can replicate the...
How to translate my site content
Both issues solved! Thank you.
View/Edit tabs missing
Hello, Backdrop CMS has options for multilingual sites, but they are limited and do not cover all needs. A complete solution for a multilingual site requires the installation of i18. I...
How to translate my site content