Simplification is a thing of beauty.
Let's simplify our theme system and have only one active theme at a time (except for the admin theme, everyone loves that).
When a new theme is enabled on the Appearance page, the previously enabled theme will become disabled. This will help eliminate the confusing concepts of a "default" theme as well as "global" theme settings.
GitHub Issue #:
Recent comments
Update. Sorry for the late update, got side-tracked on another project. Decided to do my site updates today and downloaded the 1.30.0 version. I had NO issues (i.e. virus warnings) with the...
Virus warning on 1.29.3 download
Alejandro - Thanks for the additional information. Backdrop is very smart, but I'm not!
Image Library - way to change file name?
@yorkshirepudding Thanks for the explanation - my code writing skills are so poor I could not see anything in the code that pointed me to that answer.
Image Library - way to change file name?