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The Drupal 8 timezone selector seems easier to use to me. I mean, selecting timezones is never what I'd call a "good user experience", but I think grouping the timezones by region, and then alphabetically makes it seem easier to find your timezone. What do others think?
Drupal 8:
GitHub Issue #:
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I had a similar problem with an D7 site I was upgrading to Backdrop, but mine related to inability to log in (to the D7 site) on my local lando dev site. I could log in on the public site but...
User login (second time) issue after upgrading from Drupal7 to Backdrop
I'm having a similar issue. I get no ckeditor if a field is set to text field. If I change the widget to text area (multiple rows), then it shows up. I checked the console and I was not getting...
No editor appearing in certain text fields
Initiative Proposal: Drupal 7 MIRROR