This is part of #3797
On a new site, I was plagued with 100's of new dodgy user accounts (because of #574). Because our VBO does not allow me to select all users from the many pages, my options were to either do a direct db query, use phpmyadmin, or manually repeat the process of selecting/deleting/confirming for each of the 12's of pages. This is not good UX, and the 7.x version of VBO included an option to select all items across all pages:
Here's what that option allows:
Recent comments
Do you have caching turned on for anonymous users? Can you check access logs and see if you are currently getting consumed by one or more scrapers/bots/AI models?
Database problems
There is a dead link at the bottom of that issue to a step by step guide using Rules but here is the page from the Wayback Machine:
How to attach a file to a Webform confirmation email
This Drupal 7 issue suggests that using Rules would be the way to go, or to create a custom module.
How to attach a file to a Webform confirmation email