This was brought up in our forum:
In all places where I have paginated content, there's a discrepancy between the page number in the URL and the actual page. The current behaviour seems to be: Page number in URL = (Actual page number) - 1. This could be confusing for users copying/pasting the URL and being taken to a different page number.
"Chronic" Drupal/Backdrop users have explained that this is how things work, and that it's because the counter is zero-based, but this seems to be another "Drupalism" (and now "Bakdropism"). As the user went on to say:
I'm not using drupal, so maybe that's why it looked a bit more confusing to me :)
Perhaps we could introduce an option in views that would allow customizing this?
- respective issue for Views 7.x: Array index instead actual page number
- issue for Drupal core Views: Make pager start counting from 1, not 0
- module that offers this as a feature (since version 8.x-2.0): (the commit that introduced the feature)
- various threads that discuss this:
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