Use cases:

  1. A custom node type with a field that is set to allow multiple values (say documents as attachments). When the node is displayed as a teaser, there is a need to show the count of how many attachments have been added (not the actual attachments). How can one achieve this with the current core functionality?

  2. A views listing of nodes of the type from the use case 1 above. Same deal, the count of the attached files needs to be displayed in a column. The only way I can think of in order to achieve this currently is to rewrite the output of the field using php (I think that this would require which has not been ported yet) and mess with deltas (which novice users might not understand).

There's a module in contrib that does that:

Display formatter: image

Views formatter: image

I think that this would be a very nice addition to core views and field display formatters that would simplify a not so uncommon task.

GitHub Issue #: