I would like us to provide an instant filter/switch at the top of the "Status report" page at admin/reports/status, so that when viewed by various roles/personas, entries can be filtered to their respective field/focus/role/task-at-hand. Looking at the current list of options, I am suggesting the following categories:

  1. Security & performance:
    • Access to update.php
    • Backdrop CMS update notifications
    • Backdrop CMS update status
    • Cron maintenance tasks
    • File system
    • Node Access Permissions
    • PHP memory limit
    • Trusted Host Settings
  2. Developer information:
    • Backdrop CMS (version)
    • MySQL Database (version)
    • MySQL Database 4-byte UTF-8 support
    • Database updates
    • jQuery
    • PHP (version)
    • PHP extensions
    • PHP register globals
    • Display error messages
    • Web server (version)
    • GD library rotate and desaturate effects
    • Unicode library
  3. Miscellaneous (or something else, like "Generic" or "Features")
    • Telemetry
    • Upload progress

Perhaps we could make this work in a tag-based manner, so that multiple categories can be assigned to each entry. That would allow showing certain entries in multiple filters (for more than one persona).

GitHub Issue #: