Varnish Cache is a modern reverse proxy cache software package. It has been built from the ground up to be a dedicated reverse proxy cache so it doesn't have legacy functionality and code, making it blazing fast. It is supported on Linux and FreeBSD and is included in most popular distributions
Drupal Modules that interact with Varnish Varnish Module integrates Drupal to Varnish over the Varnish administration interface. It can purge URLs from the proxy cache using regular expressions and can display varnish statistics. Purge Module just implements purging over HTTP together with the Expire Module
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PHP Openssl is missing perhaps? I know you've stated that it's there, but if it's having issues loading for any reason, it will fail with updates. Try doing a phpinfo(); call to check...
Failed to get available update data
I sent you a note on your website Thanks
Packaged Install to replace Facebook Group
Thank you for your comments and I will analyze which is the best option.
Change the url of views in user menu tabs user/%/