The Views Bulk Operations actions appear limited to basic actions like delete, promote, publish. I would like to update a taxonomy field in a list of nodes but do not see a way to do this. Being that taxonomy is THE way we organize content relationships, I see this as a critical feature that appears to be lacking. I would greatly appreciate a resolution on this issue.
GitHub Issue #:
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You can create a universal Views page that will display all user entries. 1. Create new Views page, of Content. 2. Page settings – Path: blog/% 3. Contextual filters - Content:...
Change the url of views in user menu tabs user/%/
Hello. Why I proposed /blog/[node:author:uid]/[node:created:raw] 1. The path will really look short and unique, like /blog/1/1741172018 (beauty in the eyes of the one who looks), 2...
Change the url of views in user menu tabs user/%/
I've added an issue for this at
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