**Description of the need** Since URL Aliases often closely match the title of a piece of content, you could think of a node's URL Alias like its machine name... **Proposed solution** That got me thinking; why not make the URL Alias field part of the node's Title field, in the same way that a Machine Name field is part of the entity's Title field? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2385329/63654058-e8acf800-c77d...) So, when you create a piece of content for which URL Aliases are enabled, they would appear next to the Title as text that's generated automatically as you enter the Title. And there'd be a button that would enable an editable field for if you wanted to change the URL Alias to something other than the default. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2385329/63654119-9ddfb000-c77e...) Based on this (and other) screenshots, I believe WordPress does (or did) something very similar: ![WordPress screenshot](https://www.theblogstarter.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/blog-post-link...) (Source: https://www.theblogstarter.com/how-to-add-links-to-your-wordpress-blog/) EDIT: Updated WP screenshot/source.
GitHub Issue #: