This is basically a request to include the functionality of into core, to allow portions of the node title to be italicized/bolded/sub-superscripted etc.
Drupal node titles are restrictive and do not support italicized text or superscript text (e.g., Book titles, trademark symbols). The HTML Title module allows a limited set of HTML markup (em, sub, sup, b, i, strong, cite, code, bdi, wbr) to be used in node titles. It filters all other markup from titles to prevent XSS vulnerabilities or irrational nesting (e.g., links within links).
Recent comments
Glad to see this was resolved, and that the cause was not a bug! Gotta love this community!
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This seems to be a problem with an update hook that did not run when you upgraded your site from D7. The hook in question is content_access_update_1004, which should have run during upgrade. Or...
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