I have being trying to follow the instructions for upgrading to backdrop cms from existing drupal 7 site.  However, I am getting stuck with this error: "Table variable already exists".

I presume this is a table from the drupal dB that has been imported into the backdropdB and it may be left over from my attempts at converting from drupal 7 to 8 which I have now given up on.

I have disabled the three contributed modules I was using in drupal 7: email; IMCE and SecKit.  There appears to be another module Drupal 8 upgrade evaluation which I have also disabled.

What tables need to be imported into backdrop to do the upgrade?


Further information regarding my attempt to 'upgrade' to backdrop:

Steps: LAMP versions: Rhel 7.7; apache 2.4.6; Mariadb 5.5; PHP 7.3 1) downloaded and extracted backdrop

2) created new database in mysql with an admin user with correct permissions     show grants;     GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `backdrop`.* TO '<user>'@'localhost'

3) created link from backdrop/files to drupal7 files     lrwxrwxrwx 1 apache apache    30 Sep 30 10:52 files -> /var/lib/drupal7/files/default

4) removed unsupported drupal modules and themes     help.module     statistics.module     garland.theme     stark.theme     seckit.module

5) changed settings.php     $database = '<string>';     $settings['update_free_access'] = TRUE;

6) imported drupal7 dB tables into backdrop dB     Current modules/themes list from system table:     MariaDB [backdrop]> select name from system where status>0;     +-------------------+     | name              |     +-------------------+     | block             |     | color             |     | comment           |     | field             |     | field_sql_storage |     | field_ui          |     | filter            |     | list              |     | locale            |     | menu              |     | node              |     | number            |     | options           |     | path              |     | php               |     | search            |     | system            |     | taxonomy          |     | text              |     | toolbar           |     | translation       |     | update            |     | user              |     | standard          |     | bartik            |     | seven             |     | dblog             |     +-------------------+

7) setup a dev website on apache

8) attempted url: localhost/dev/update.php     this switches to using install.php almost immediately which I assume means     it is unable to access the database or does not recognise that there are updates to be done.     Forms appear to enter;     a) language     b) database, user and password

ERRORS     a) before adding $database in settings I would receive error re "Table variable already exists." <- so it can access database using those credentials     b) now I get error from line 3019 in bootstrap.inc about config_... files missing - but this should not happen as MAINTENANCE_MODE should be set to 'update' by update.php (*@#%)(*#@().

OK, I sorted this out.  I had misconfigured apache for the dev environment and it was being redirected back to drupal so it was a drupal error that was appearing.