Hi @leeksoup. Glad to hear you find EMW useful. I use them all the time.
1. What does it return if a field value isn't set?
Running $wrapper->field_my_field->value()
returns empty if the field has cardinality == 1, or an empty array if the cardinality > 1 or unlimited.
If you try to run $wrapper->field_my_field->value()
and the field doesn't exist in the node or entity, then you get a fatal error. So, if you are not sure if the field exists, it's a good idea to do if(isset($wrapper->field_my_field)) {}
isset will check if the field exists in the entity.
2. How to set values for multivalued fields? Looking at the return value for such a field (as an array) I am wondering if I can just assign the array value to it, like this: $wrapper->field_name = $my_array;
Yes, you can do that. The array contains the values for each item of a multivalue field. Or you can do this:
$wrapper->field_name[$delta] = $my_value;
Where $delta is the delta of the multivalue field. BTW, to get the value you can also do $wrapper->field_name[$delta]->value()
and you'll get the value stored in that delta.
3. How about for entity reference (taxonomy) fields? In this case, would I be assigning to something like this: $wrapper->field_name->tid = $my_value;
No. The beauty of EMW is that you don't need to worry about the column name (tid), so the right way is:
$wrapper->field_term_reference = $my_value;
Where $my_value
is the TID (numerical). But you can also assign a fully loaded term! So this would work too:
$term = taxonomy_term_load(2);
$wrapper->field_term_reference = $term;
Same thing for entity reference fields.
4. And what if the entity reference field in #3 can have multiple values?
If it's a multivalue entity reference, you can do, for example:
$target_ids = array(2, 4, 8);
$wrapper->field_entity_references = $target_ids;
$wrapper->field_entity_references[0] = 2;
$wrapper->field_entity_references[1] = 4;
$wrapper->field_entity_references[2] = 8;
Or even assign a fully loaded array of entities instead of the entity IDs.
Plus, do I need to check that the new value is not a duplicate?
Yes, you do. I often do this
$target_ids = $wrapper->field_entity_references->raw(); // the method "raw()" will give me an array of target IDs, rather than an array of fully loaded entities
$target_ids[] = $my_new_value;
$target_ids = array_unique($target_ids); // This will assure there are no duplicate ids.
$wrapper->field_entity_references = $target_ids;
Hi @leeksoup. Glad to hear you find EMW useful. I use them all the time.
returns empty if the field has cardinality == 1, or an empty array if the cardinality > 1 or unlimited.If you try to run
and the field doesn't exist in the node or entity, then you get a fatal error. So, if you are not sure if the field exists, it's a good idea to doif(isset($wrapper->field_my_field)) {}
isset will check if the field exists in the entity.Yes, you can do that. The array contains the values for each item of a multivalue field. Or you can do this:
$wrapper->field_name[$delta] = $my_value;
Where $delta is the delta of the multivalue field. BTW, to get the value you can also do
and you'll get the value stored in that delta.No. The beauty of EMW is that you don't need to worry about the column name (tid), so the right way is:
$wrapper->field_term_reference = $my_value;
is the TID (numerical). But you can also assign a fully loaded term! So this would work too:Same thing for entity reference fields.
If it's a multivalue entity reference, you can do, for example:
Or even assign a fully loaded array of entities instead of the entity IDs.
Yes, you do. I often do this