
BackDrop 1.30.0 with 12 modules (incl profile but not activated)

I wish to create a new user and got this error message: "You cannot enter a title without a link url."

On the registration form, there are two field from the profile, one is indeed a field "link", but I kept both "title" and "url" empty

I tried the following, without any success:

  • disable the "display on registration form" for this field
  • flushed all caches
  • disable the "display on registration form" for the second (and last) field from the profile (text short)

NB: Updating an existing profile is ok. I do not remember such a problem with creation of previous users (about 80).

Did I missed something obvious? Or could it be a bug?


Hi patch-works. 

This sounds like a configuration problem with a link field attached to the user entity. Can you post an image of the field configuration UI for that field? (it may take two images, as the configuration is long).  You can get that by going to admin/config/people/manage and then clicking "configure" for the link field.

Hello Argiepiano,

Thank you for looking into this. 

There are 3 links fields, this one is the most recent, here are the screenshots: https://app.box.com/s/2ev0rjwnx7mg8vd3bi9jrj7n8uep4j06

I hope it is what you requested (path is Home > Administration > Configuration > User accounts > Manage fields)

NB: I made some changes in the settings after encountering the problem, but problem still there

Hi patch-works. Thanks for posting the images.

I've tried recreating the scenario, and have not encountered any issues when creating a new user account.

I'm confused about one point: you said that the module Profile is not activated. However, then you said "updating an existing profile is ok". How can you update an existing profile is Profile is not activated?? 

Also, when the option "Display on user registration form." is checked off, the field should not be shown on the "user creation" form at all. Is it still being shown? In my testing, if I leave that configuration unchecked, the field is not shown at all in the user creation form.

Can you please clarify all of these points? Also, check again about Profile.